In preparation
- Coloured brane actions, cyclotomic loop stacks, and categorified quasimap invariants (from sections 2.2, 2.3 and 4.2 of my thesis)
- Brane actions for ∞-properads and higher-genus categorified Gromov–Witten invariants (joint with Hugo Pourcelot)
- Groupoidal conditions for cyclic 2-Segal objects through monads in iterated spans (joint with Damien Calaque)
- Categorified cosection localisation in derived algebraic geometry (joint with Tristan Bozec, Étienne Mann, Renata Picciotto and Massimo Pippi)
- Pursuing monads: Multiple ∞-categories and lax functors of ω-categories
- Coherence for lax morphisms of algebras over (∞,2)-monads
- Infinite root stacks for spectral logarithmic structures (joint with David Rydh)